Cindi Blackmon, Sunday School Director

We have Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 9:30a.m. for all ages.

Adult Classes:
Timothy Class taught by Trey Johnson
Adult class especially for young adult through younger median adults

Genesis Class taught by Nancy Johnson

New Beginnings/Peacemakers taught by J.D. Beffort

Bible Truth Seekers taught by Patricia Pace

Praise Class taught by Rosemary & Truman Sullivent

Martha/Jubilee Class taught by Carole Hite
Adult class for ladies

We encourage you, if you’re seeking a Bible Study class, to feel free to visit all classes to see which one will best meet your specific needs. All classes are Bible based Bible Study classes taught by qualified Bible teachers.

Youth Classes:
Grades 6th through 12 th Grades – Trey Johnson (Coord.)
*a rotation of teachers by youth workers listed below
Bethany & Matt Hite
Kelsey Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Jasmynn & Zach Sellers
Nell & Denny Whitehouse

Children’s Classes:

Coordinator – Joyce Roach
Nursery – Debbie Reed
Toddlers – April Moses & Kaylee Smith
3 & 4 Year Olds – Cindy Hite
K – 2 nd Grade – Kim Flynn & Jacqueline Powers
3 rd , 4 th , 5 th Grades – Margaret Hughston

All of our Children’s and Youth teachers and workers are Safe Church Certified to
provide a healthy Bible learning experience for all children & youth.